Christanity has had humanity by the balls for centuries, it's finally starting to be exposed for what it is. IMHO, B ull****, a lie, a falsehood, a trick, pysological mind control that has been very potent on the weak minded.

It's time we freed ourselves from this plight on humanity , to be human beings without some priest telling you your a sinner, and jesus died for your so called sins. It's B U L L S H I T, PERIOD!!!!!!!

So is creationism and ID. If you actually buy into this, you really need to take a vacation from yourself, like in "What about Bob?". The story of the bible is a story, (as in fairytale). You might as well add the tooth fairy, Santa, and the wicked witch of the west into your portfolio of personal reality.

Tell a kid born with birth defects , aids, limbs missing that there is a god that loves you, created you in His image, and made to to suffer a lifetime where others are born into favorable circumstances, good looking, money, great edcuation, where is the "we are all born inocent" come into this?

The fact is you don't have an awnser, how long can you continue to defend an illusion? There are many caught in the "Matrix" of a false reality, live to the illusion, and liveout their lives in the matrix of a lie someone else created for you.