I didn't answer this:
If they did not grow up and turn red, be sweet and juicy from the git go, birds never would have eaten them and the word strawberry would not be in our vocabulary because they wouldn't exist following that line of reasoning. Strawberries couldn't have evolved in that way.
But they *did* evolve in that way. There are always going to be genetic variations - they occur on their own, and a biologist can tell you how many times per thousand. From what I've read, there's just one gene that controls color.
This is the problem right here: people who discount evolution don't know anything about it. No offense - I mean that as a general statement.
Mark, people will go to extremes to convince themselves that what they're seeing is what they need to believe. There was an article in the NY Times a couple of months ago about two groups of people visiting the Grand Canyon. One was looking at the wonder of how it was formed over millions of years. The other was seeing how it was formed recently. Both were looking at the same rocks!
But in all fairness, I know of only one person on this site who believes that nonsense. The line is that it's been proven over and over "by non-Christian scientists" (that's always part of it) that the earth is 6000 years old, dating to the time of Adam.
Someone pointed out that they figured this out by geneology - i.e. using the science of genetics! - to determine when Adam was around.