Two opposing viewpoints cannot both be right. At least in this universe
That's the fundamentalist Christian view I find so offensive: Christ says the only way is through me, so if you believe in him then you have to believe that all other ways are wrong. Well, that's hopelessly shallow.

Two viewpoints absolutely CAN be right if they're just that: viewpoints! They're orientations, or ways of looking at the same reality everyone else sees. As I've posted way too many times, faith is just that: faith - meaning you *decide* to believe in something beyond what your five senses tell you. You're either raised with a religion or you pick the one that makes the most sense to you. If you were born in Africa you'd believe a whole other set of things, and so on. It's not like you spoke to God on the phone.

You can't possibly "seek the truth" (whatever that means) by accepting an obvious man-made lie as your basic premise.

Christ is the one way *for you.* Even on this board, he's clearly not the way for everybody, and if we're going to hell it's not for not being Christian.