Mixandburn, you have a lot of misconceptions about the theories in there. All life has evolved and continues to evolve, including plants and other species of animals.
Humans migrated to different areas of the globe from our origins as great apes in Africa. We look different due to genetics!
As to the Big Bang, no, there wasn't a clump of dirt that suddenly exploded. You can't even say something "was" there, because there was no "was" before about 15 billion years ago!
But the Big Bang did happen - the universe started enlarging very rapidly, first to the size of a baseball, etc. etc. etc. It's still expanding, of course, and there is no "other side" where there's no space - space itself is curved.
Nobody knows why it started, whether a previous universe collapsed the way black holes do and started again, whether there are other universes, and so on. We do know that the details have to be exactly the way they are for us to be here, which defies the odds.
By the way, small stars that burn themselves out collapse into black holes that become a single point with no size, so the idea of "nothing" with incredible mass isn't only the pre-universe. Nobody has seen one (or its event horizon) directly, but there's evidence that they exist.