Well here's the deal, science can only explaij the phenominal world, what we can see, observe, measure. Religion attempts to step beyond that to go to a deeper level of what life really is.
becuse without a doubt, there is a deeper level to our live other than sight, hearing , taste , touch , smell, our consinous that intergrates these sensory imputs, and on a deeper level, uncounsisouness. (How's that for spelling, f -it.)
In eastern thought, it goes deeper than un uncounsious level, to the Alya onsiness, were karma is sytored, another wise our actions, both good and bad, like a bank account of credtis and debits.
Then below that is the essence of univeral life, with we all are apart of. The deepest level of life. Pure, energy.
The question is, how do we tap into this energy that we posses? I believe I have encountered what that is, do to extreme good fortune.
There is no god in control of my life, I am, and I am responsible for my circumstances due to my past action, karma. It only makes perfect sense. Our lives are energy, which originated form the universe itself. I'd love to share with you what I have found to be what that energy to be. But i'm not going to use this forum to "push" my religous beliefs. Anyhoo, peace, we all need some.