It's not a matter of there being two sides. There are people who recognize the gaps in their information (mostly due to the lack of bones found from the era about 3 million years ago) - i.e. those of us who believe that evolution is a pretty good description of what has happened over hundreds of millions of years - and those who are struggling to reconcile their religious views with what we know to be reality.
It's not a two-sided debate. You might find two sides about specifics of evolution, such as why such-and-such a species developed a certain way. But creationists who think people who believe the facts of evolution are just being stubborn or placing too much belief in science are aggressively ignorant. This is not a matter of "middle ground" between two equal points of view, since they're only contradictory if you insist on taking the Bible literally instead of symbolically.
In other words, zrocks, you are defending ignorance. There's a lot we don't know, but that doesn't discount what we do know beyond any shadow of a doubt. I've said many times that you may be right that God designed evolution, but that has nothing to do with the fact that it exists, nor does it create another "side" to the debate. That's why I say the discussion has been framed by religious right kooks who want to make it 2-sided issue.