Like I said there are thousands of forms of Buddhism practiced around the world today, and they are all different.

One critical difference is buddhism teaches that you are responsible for your life situation, where as in christianity, your life is controled by a god outside yourself. He has a plan for you only he understands. It's like you hear all the time after natural disasters, people saying, "why would god do this?" Why did god let 9-11 happen, the all knowing all loving, all powerful god he's supposed to be.

I mention this because it all comes back to the debate between creationism verses evolution.

Your right, there is no way to prove that life is eternal, that you have lived countless previous lifetimes, and well live countless more. We all have to find our own awnser.

Watching my dad die and what he went thru for a week has made me realize I have to make the most of the time I have. To try to change as much of my negitive karma as I can while i'm alive, to contribute to this earth in some way so I can meet death peacefully when that time comes, which maybe a week from now. Who knows.