Originally posted by zrocks:
Are you concerned about fanatic Islam?

Which concerns you more?
Fanaticism is not quantifiable. Neither should concern you more or less. This is not competitive teams sports or, for that matter, entertainment. It all comes down to individual actions and accountability, none of which concerns the true fanatic. Because, in the fanatic's mind, the end always justifies the means. Take for example the Christian extremist Eric Rudolph - he did not see conceptually that killing and maiming people was inherently evil. His actions, in his mind, were heroic. No different than the Islamic fundamentalists that would behead an American for being an American. That extreme tunnel-vision is the danger - and it doesn't exist in a vacuum. The conservative right's willingness to exploit the more extreme elements of Christian fanaticism (and the Republican party's willingness to whore itself out to the conservative right) is far more worrisome and is equally as pressing an issue, as the lunatic fringe of Islam fundamentalism.