Einstein said "There are two ways to live your life: One is as though nothing is a miracle, the other is as though everything is a miracle."

He also said (in his book "My views on Religion") that there are basically 3 types of religion: The primitive religion (based on idolatry and icon warship), Moral religion (2/3rds of the world religion based on morals and ethics... ie Christianity, Buddhism etc.), and then there is "cosmic religion"... which few people understand and it is their duty to educate the rest of us.

He also said that he was proud to be a Jew, but in his opinion Judaism was more of a tradition than a religion.

Anyway... he was a pretty smart guy and I think he understood that science and evolution and the big bang didn't negate the notion of a cosmic order or Energy Gestalt or if you prefer ..."God".

Just thought I'd share.