Hi Glenn. I'm having a hard time telling if your points are directed at me, or at the Christian community as a whole.
I entered this conversation in an attempt to shed real light on some issues, to balance out the loudest and more fluent in the group. My agenda has been apolitical - - I wanted to stay focused on what I see to be flaws in mainstream thinking regarding evolution, and present the creationist side in a less wacky way. Perhaps we could understand each other better and gain some respect for each other.
However, it never fails - the conversation somehow turns to "Sure, I respect what you believe, you can believe whatever BS you want, but what about that friggin' extreme right? They're manipulating you, and they want to manipulate me." etc, etc. There is a deep rooted (resentment / hatred / irritation / etc) with "the Right." But I guess I should expect this, it is the favorite topic on this forum (I've been lurking here for years).
I'm not even sure where I sit in the 'middle to extreme right" spectrum. I don't believe that I'm unduly influenced by politicians or TV evangelists. I have beliefs on issues, and many of them are connected to my Christian view of the world. I think that they would have to be discussed one by one. And you know what? I'm really clueless. I'm not sure which issues are the ones that affect or bug you the most.
I hope no one thinks that I'm slamming them for their belief. I'm trying to be transparent in the hopes that others will be too. I recognize that what is gospel to one is silly to another. We all have some unfounded beliefs - and maybe they should be questioned. Really, I'm not offended when people (legitimately) question my faith. If I can't stand up to some questions, then what good is it?
And Nick, yes I saw where you were going - more OT. It's funny that I'm somewhat the spokesman for Right Wing Christians now. As far as capital punishment, if you want my opinion, I vascillate. As far as Tookie, I think that the anti-capital-punishment crowd chose the wrong figure. Despite overwhelming evidence, he maintained his innocence. So he obviously wasn't repentant.