Crap, this went too far in the last couple days for me to catch up. Since everyone wants to conclude this thread, I'll just chime in and go back to hiding.

Yes, evolution exists - undeniably. The level at which it exists should've been what this thread centered on.

Each belief system has holes - Being a Chrisitian does NOT answer all the questions that a Christian may have for himself. He needs to search using all available tools - including science. A Christian does one thing that a naturalist doesn't however - admit his faith.

Does a naturalist have faith? If he stands on any fundamental unproven belief he does. Taking a position without all of the facts is faith. I'd argue that everyone here has a faith.

Just like Nick, if you show me without a doubt that evolution was the process used to bring us here typing on our computers, I would still get up and put my pants on in the morning. Evolution is not incompatible my faith. God is capable of creating in this manner.

Why don't I believe in evolution on a major scale? Because it is lacking something - A MECHANISM. Someone spell it out for me without hiding behind "Anything is possible with tons of time." No one has made a case for spontaneous generation and punctuated equilibrium (well, Audiorigami gave it a decent stab). These holes ARE the theory. I'm open to it - just give me a reasonable mechanism.

Why did we talk about the big bang and the origins of the universe when this topic was about evolution? Are they related? Kind of. Why did we talk about spiritual stuff? I guess that's kind of related to. Was this necessarily a discussion about evolution, or was it really about whether or not there is a God? Were you here to defend your faith?