I'm not trying to be a smart alec here and would be the first to admit my knowledge of evolution is probably the least of all the others on this forum but since we're talking so much about it I have a couple of perplexing issues. At least to me.
If we supposedly came from one certain line of apes, why are there so many variations in people? Like blacks, whites, yellow, brown etc. and all with distinct features to go with their ethnic background. Also, what about midgets and or dwarfs. What; did they come from chimps? There is a whole race of smaller people with again very distinct and simular features. I mean a plum tree can have several types of plums on the same same tree but they have to be grafted in on purpose by the farmer, they just don't appear differently on the same tree naturally. If you look at nature, any fruit tree has been bearing the same fruit for ever as far as we know. Grass has always been grass and a fig has always been a fig. It hasn't mutated into an orange. Why is it only people and animals are the only thing on the planet that supposedly has mutated into completly different species? I mean, mud didn't used to be silver or gold, right? Water didn't used to be sulfuric acid? I mean to me, in some respects the idea of evolution is as rediculous as some of you smarter guys among us claim the idea of God is. As far as the big bang goes, what, was there just one big huge dirt clod lodged somewhere in space that one day blew up and ended up creating all the planets and the whole universe? and by the way, there was no time before that, it just was, and it didn't come from anywhere, it just was and there was no space for it to blow into it just did? Talk about far fetched easy to explain because we have no better idea's and far be it for us to consider there is some encredible master genious behind all this. All science is reduced to precise mathematics and not just random chance. All nature operates on a beautiful balance of harmony with itself that at the bottom of it is a very complex string of mathematicl formulas. To me, to accept that all we see and all the complexities and beauty of life not only here but in the whole universe is by some random chance cooked up by some random ingredients in an ancient primordial soup is the fairy tail and the hard nut to swallow. We tend to see and judge this life from a very shallow viewpoint from a very small field of vision based on this very small speck of dirt in the universe within our limited span of years and blather on and on about how much we think we know. I don't believe any of us know much of anything and suspect the reality of all this is much much bigger than we in our finite minds can imagine.
Time.. is an ever unfolding succession of events that twist and weave their way in and throughout our lives creating a complex many colored tapestry that becomes the very fabric of who we are.