Is it possible some of Darwins conclusions may have been incorrect because of a lack of that technology? Did you not say something like science is always changing based on new information. Are not some, if not most of the changes in scientific thought due to ever improving technology that reveals flaws in an older system of thought? You claim the information I linked to is invalid because it happens to come off a website that has a Christian perspective? I think it brings up interesting thought provoking logical alternatives to a possibly outdated incomplete theory.
It's not the least bit outdated! And if it were complete, there would be no need for the entire field of Evolutionary Biology! The reason you don't see any logical alternatives is that there simply aren't any. If you want to say that God created evolution, then good on yer, mate. But to deny that Darwin got it 100% right is simply ignorant or stubborn. Sorry if that sounds "closed-minded," but if you think about what he said, there's simply no other conclusion (other than "Duh, God created it and that's the end of the story.").
Do you even know what Darwin says? Think about a strawberry, which needs birds to eat its fruit and poop out its seeds to spread them around so it survives. But it doesn't want them to do that before they're ready, so it starts off green and bitter to discourage the birds. Then when it's ripe, it attracts them by being bright red and succulent.
Before Darwin, people would look at the strawberry and say God created it (a.k.a. intelligently designed it). But Darwin showed that the stawberries that were red and/or tasty too early or green and/or bitter too late weren't the ones that survived. And that's how natural selection works. Stawberries don't know they're doing what they're doing, of course, but there are no other theories to indicate that anything else is what's going on because Darwin's theory is absolutely corrrect.
If you apply the same concept to animals, then you see that Darwin's ideas are just the same. Animals are more complicated, but then the time scales are way, way longer. (Great apes were 6 or 7 million years ago, modern humans have been around for about 50,000 years.)
That's why Europeans who have been taught about how evolution works are in disbelief that so many Americans can be so dumb! And that's why anyone who says evolution isn't real is just way, way out there.
We know much more than we knew in Darwin's time, but everything we've learned since - genetics, mainly - has only lent more proof to what he said. It certainly hasn't made it outdated.