I've avoided entering this discussion but here's an attempt to bring it back on topic \:D

On religious fundamentalism:
Is there any possibility that the three great world religions emanating from the middle east that alude to a single god are all 'fingers pointing to the same moon'?

The Taoists of ancient China (pre Old Testament & original sin, so forgive them) noted that there is a way - the Tao (call it God's way if you will) - which is immeasurable & indescribable. "The Tao that can be described is not the true Tao". The holy books of Western religion seem to share the same Intent, even though Interpretation differs & creates widely varying Implementations of social & personal policy. To err is human & we all know that even modern biographies contain errors, so could it be that the old & new testaments & the Koran are just human attempts - by bibliographers and editors - at addressing the same unaddressable concept?

I can't help but feel that fundamentalism comes more from the internal wiring (& crossed wires?) of the individual reader of these great works rather than the works themselves, all of which profer peace & tolerance. The source of fundamentalism is fear & fear is the greatest threat to the World as it makes seemingly balanced people act irrationally - irrespective of their creed. Is not therefore the fear-monger the real enemy?

On religion vs. Science
Without the rise of rationalism, we would have no science, no DA7 & no Internet to hold this discussion. Rationalism does not have all the answers - e.g. what existed before the Big Bang? but at least the religion of science allows questions - i.e. what happened before the Big Bang?. Conversely, fundamentalist religions have only all the answers, which seems bizarre, until one considers the socio-political environments within which they were written - as theocratic law, they had to be complete systems of governance.

Some religions (or philosophies) encourage logical debate, which seems a less neurotic approach than fire & brimstone evangelism. However, if one believes that rationalism is the dawning of the age of the Antichrist, then logic & psychology are collective psychosis (or possession) which must be avoided. Strange then that most of the great scientific minds have been highly spiritual, if not devoutly religious people. Indeed, did not Einstein withhold findings for fear that they would undermine others faith as they had challenged his own?

On evolution vs. creation
Entropy will get us all in the end but there seems to be a complexifying force in nature that the rationalists cannot explain. Entropy seems to overcome this counter-force at the point of death, so there would seem to be at least some kind of life force, if not a more general force.

What is its source? Certainly not entropy, so evolution is driven by something else. Is this drive for complexity - for creation - the creator at work? The Tao? Maybe the World created in the '7 days' included the creative life force to evolve the model? OK, it's not specifically mentioned in the Bible but neither is the Aardvark \:\)

On solutions
Spirituality is personal - religion is about compliance to group norms. The Christian church made all personal enlightenment or direct knowledge (Gnosis) a heresy - was this so that the failing Roman Empire had an alternative means of power?

Our modern world is one where each person's reason & intuition must combine to find personal answers - we each have to choose our personal path or Tao. Those who cannot face the thought of ego death will choose a belief system with an afterlife or reincarnation. Those who need an external representation of the life force or who can't face it alone, will create their own 'superior being' of some kind. Those who can shed attachment to their egos & realise that we are indeed nothing, will reach enlightenment & escape the torment of the wheel or Samsara & this mortal life...or will they? ;\)

I wish you all a peaceful Christmas & a successful 2006!

