I agree with you, Anaconda - it doesn't matter how we got here. As I said, I'd still get up and do the same things tomorrow if it turned out that we're all the product of a booger from Mars.
dorkus, my answers my be predictable, yet you seem to misunderstand them. Nobody said all Christians believe the earth is 6000 years old. And nobody said that all religion is politically motivated. But it's surely being abused by a lot of right-wing scumbags to get votes.
So are the shyte value debates about gay marriage and intelligent design. That is all a big political smokescreen, whether or not you see it. And when I say you're naive, that's what I'm talking about: you think that I hate Christians because I point out what's equally obvious to a lot of Christians! There are many levels of sophistication to all religions, and the people who go for that bull**** are not sophisticated.
And you and zrocks really need to learn how to have a discussion without calling me a bigot. If that's how I come off to you, perhaps you need to think about why you'd rather just throw that out than deal with what I'm saying.