A man on the moon? Rovers on Mars? Deep space probes splashing down on a distant planets moon? The possibility of cloning? A hybrid, environmentally friendly automobile that can transport people safely and comfortably over hundreds of miles? A computer that does "Nonsense! Not possible! Lunatic! A brick short of a full load. We would have been outcasts of society for promoting those concepts without proof to back it up. Yet, here we are today.
All the ingredients were already here on the earth to do all those things. We just didn't know or understand the applications. (Knowledge and understanding are like that). You don't get it, until you get it. I'm sure in the next 150 years there will be advancments that would astound and confound us today.

This just so totally explains the bible doesn't it? And it's concept of creationism. It's what they were able to concieve back then, of what and who we are and how we got here. I'd say in 150 years from now there well be fewer and fewer practicing christians, as we evole as a species, we'll grow bwyong the myth and fairytale culture that has had control of our society for hundreds of years, and mankind as a whole for thousands.