Now who's being nasty?

As far as relative truth, would you agree that if there are two contrary belief systems, one or both of them is wrong? Don't get me wrong, I'm not arrogant enough to say which is absolutely true. As we've seen, even within Christianity, there are differing viewpoints. However, my world has been rocked enough in my life that I won't take an absolutist stand on anything, really. There's TLIX's view of creation as opposed to mine as opposed to yours as opposed to etc. Of course this sounds like a cop-out, and in many ways it is, but for such an absolutely huge topic my mind is open to ANYTHING. I used to believe like TLIX, and there are valid observations that even Stephen Hawking doesn't have answers for. So for now, I take it in and am digesting it with the other information that is out there.

With all of this said, life happened somehow. I think there is value in seeking, and being open to all possibilities - divine or not. Maybe someday we'll be able to put our finger on it better than we can now. Some believe that they've got it figured out now, they're just missing details - thus faith. TLIX has a version he stands on, you have a version that you stand on. I think you've got me wrong - I'm just trying to knock over those that are standing - and you stand up the tallest - and thus you've kind of become my biggest target.

I also agree with your point about moral relativism, though I try to resist it. I'm still stuck on the concept of right and wrong.

I also agree that my previous post was nasty - sorry.