Your insistence that it is an amoral process is what makes it hard to swallow. It is WAY too incredible.

As far as man from ape, I could maybe buy that - if you could get me to ape. I'll give you amino acids in a primordial soup. I'll give you single celled organisms. But multi-celled organisms? Complex multi-celled organisms? The evolution or organs? All lower life forms are the way to go as far as reproduction is concerned.

Its been said that the beauty of evolution (often referred to as science) is that it is changeable - it'll go with the flow of our latest discoveries. Isn't that just another way of saying we don't know?

Christianity actually does the same thing - well maybe not for fundamentalists (and I'm an ex-fundamentalist). Believe it or not, we view the world in a completely different way than we did just 30 years ago. Much of it is due to scientific discovery.