I can dig what you're saying jeremy, but there are so many people who insist on "my way or the highway." :rolleyes: [/QB]
I'm not a "my way or the highway" type person. I really am open to what is true and real. For a while I looked at the possibility that God created the universe some 5-6 thousand years ago and made it to begin with 'aged' or to look millions of years old from the start. But after study I truly believe that many of these are correct. I met a guy that worked all the way at the top for NASA in there science department. The guy literaly tested at genious level and figured out some things for NASA that non of the top scientist could figure out. He is also noted as discovering that the speed of light has been slowing down since the beggining of time and is on a slop so that in x amount of years the speed of light will be significantly slower. He said NASA dosn't put a lot of this stuff out there and in high school textbooks cause it would just freak people out to know that the universe can't last forever. He also said that the dust on the moon theory, false methods in carbon copy dating, and the graph that expains the speed of light all show a younger earth. If the earth were millions of years old the speed of light would have stopped all ready, unless somebody reset it

Either way all of us are listening to science that we didn't do and test so... Either christians are trying to prove something and are looking for it or secular scientists are trying to prove something else and are expecing and looking for specifics as well. I just think as one looks at how much our earth is changing and what its going through I don't think its realistic to say that it has been in process for millions of years. It logicaly dosn't make sense. If real scientists and even non-religious ones are starting to believe in a 'young' earth, wouldn't it make sense that it is a good possibility.
All this information is in waaayyy more than just the creation-evolution ency. its all over the place textbooks and all