I think you're implying people here only get upset at the religious right in this country, when they should be getting upset at the outrages commited by Muslim extremists (which are much worse).
I am not implying, I am observing. Hopi has it right. But the first order of business is to stop the violence and terror. When the religious right strap schrapnel filled bombs to their bodies to kill innocent people, it is time for immediate action. Rudolph spent several years in hillbilly country - squealing like a pig - and was finally caught. Fundamentalists who hide in foreign countries for protection are going to be tougher to catch.

things move from order to disorder
Now you are back to the topic. Doesn't entropy contradict evolution?

but before that it "just was" - in fact there was no time "before that."
This idea and the concept of infinity hurt my brain. One of the arms of string theory predicts a complete universe exists within a Planck's distance. When this universe collapses, it falls into that distance and the other expands out in a big bang.

So far the maesurements taken have shown that the present expansion is increasing rather than slowing. This gives rise to the speculation that there must be undiscovered forces repeling the larger object's gravity attraction. I wonder if it isn't similiar to the weak and strong forces seen at the atomic level.

Why would time have to flow in only one direction? In almost every case, there is always a counter to a known. Electron, positron - and the neutral neutron. 3 quarks, in fact 3 family of quarks. As long as time exists, then it follows that it could have 3 states (directions as it were) forward, backward and neutral.

you aren't in JM + the HA are you? If so we've probably met through Bill B.
I don't know what any of that is. I am just a dumb redneck from the Bible belt who moved to Minnesota to marry my High School sweetheart.
zrocks for urinal.
Obviously I'm stupid.
And you're a quimbus.

~ Nick Batzdorf