
I am not picking on you because you are a smart guy and frankly you do use your brain (smaller than a Neandertal but what is a little brain capacity among species).

Evolution is simply a theory. What this means is that it is NOT a proven fact, then it would be a LAW. Before it can become a law, it must stand up to scientific scrutiny. If it can't, then it is just a theory, nothing more.

There is no reason to think that it is natural to evolve. In fact the opposite is true. Without intervention, everything moves toward entropy. For me, this is an indication that evolution is not a normal outcome of just nature.

For me, there is not enough evidence to make a decision. Considering the current level of knowledge of the laws of physics, I think anyone who is able to form a solid conclusion simply does not have a grip on reality.

Part B - Darwin observed that the reason for evolutionary changes were simply survival. He concluded that there is not a reason for spontanious evolution. So again, I am stymied by the "theory" that man evolved from the same ancestor as apes. Given that apes have survived nicely throughout the ages, what would be the reason for the change.

For example, if a butterfly has yellow wings and birds like to eat yellow wing butterflies, then the very few who would accidently have blue wings would survive (theoretically). You would find no yellow winged butterflies (in regions where predators live). So far, the theory of evolution has yet to make that explaination for man.

I have not checked on my facts but I seem to recall that the chimpanze has a couple more chomosomes than a man. In fact, I believe that a dog has 78 pairs while a human has 46 pairs. A gorilla has 48 pairs. How does the 'Theory of Evolution' account for this actual measurable scientific fact that flies in the face of logic.

I am not asking to be a smart ass, I am asking because I am curious.

String theory has evolved over the years because there is a problem with quantum physics theory. It just doesn't work out in some situations. Just a few short years ago, Bohr's theory of the atom was accepted scientific fact. A proton was the most basic of all elements, not doubt about it. It has not quite worked out like that. A look at a chart of elementary particles is dazzling and even today it has holes to fill in.

Open your mind to ask the questions and search for the answers even if they make you a little uncomfortable.

I would prefer to sit back and read your magazine - wait, that's right, I don't have a copy.
zrocks for urinal.
Obviously I'm stupid.
And you're a quimbus.

~ Nick Batzdorf