Originally posted by Nick Batzdorf:
TLiX, you really need to read up on Einstein and his famous equation E=MC2 (energy = mass x the speed of light squared).
Maybe you missed the equation by the famous physicist Paul Davies and a team of scientists (and not a Christian ones either) c = ?[a + ekt(b + dt)] In this equation c is the curve that the rate of decay that the speed of light is on. The report was given in the journal 'Nature' and the evidence points to that since the speed of light has been slowing down since the creation of the earth that if you follow this formula backwards the age of the universe would be a little less that 6,000 years old. It also explains issues that have come up in the dating methods of the earth and led to the famous book Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth
Larry Vardiman, Andrew A. Snelling, Eugene F. Chaffin that is highly regarded in the scientific world.
These guys are building on what Einstein discovered, and also Einstein wrote some interesting things on the existance of God as well.