And the great thing is that it dosn't even matter what others think or say about what I know is true. I would love others to see the light as I see it and the relationship with this Creator of the universe is really the best part about it, (and I do have a passion for this, and helping others), but it dosn't discourage me when others see it as narrow mindedness. It actually is quite the opposite, it takes a real grand perspective of life, spirituality and people to believe it. Also the wonderful thing about it all is that science, philosophy, and the human spirit do not need to prove Christianity, Christianity proves these things in itself. If one reads the Bible with an open mind and seeks to understand these things it becomes revieled.
You know what is interesting is that people that know me and have a relationship with me, just about all of the ones that didn't believe in Christianity now prayed to recieve Jesus in there hearts as there personal savior. Even my wifes brother who graduated from Brown and is a very smart cat, people I work with, my friends parents, I can't even tell you people that practiced other religions, or atheists and I'm talking about Dozens of people. Now why are people following me on this? It's not cause I'm so great and they all want to be like me, but that I am pointing them toward somthing that is real and can't be ignored as somthing we all need. Now I'm realistic to think that many on this board will say well thats great for TLix and his friends but he is still wrong... and that is a legitimate feeling but everyone still has to seriously look at Jesus and Christianity and make a decision for themselves. I guess all I challenge people to do is to open-mindedly look at it, and I am pretty confident in that 100% of the people that have become Christians along with me have not regretted it and have thanked me for opening them up to it. Its not a crutch for life its the missing peice in our lives. I don't know how else to say it, but its real. It just makes science and physicology and all these other things make sense...
anyone else besides jeremy and nick and zum have thoughts?