Originally posted by dorkus:
It is easier to believe there is a design (intelligent of course) and something higher than myself than it is to think that everything is the result of random mutations - Faith in something rather than faith in nothing.
Yes, it is easier. If everyone was like you, no progress would be made because it's way easier to just let your traditions do the thinking for you and never investigate anything. If you take the time to learn some genetics, learn some astrophysics, and learn some biology then all the things which are too hard for you to understand now will begin to make sense.
A person can go through life relying on "common sense" and "intuition" and "feelings" and be perfectly happy and productive. If you learn any quantum physics or relativity, for example, you will learn quite fast that human intuition has absolutely nothing to do with what goes on at the atommic or galactic scales. To learn advanced topics such as those, one needs to rely on mathematical and physical evidence, and not on what "feels right." You cannot disprove the scientific advances which I'm referring to. They make almost all electronic products possible. They make most fundamental research possible. If you think that evolution and abiogenesis aren't simple and easy to understand it's because they're not--they take some critical thought and analysis. That doesn't make them wrong.