Dorkus, I see your points and personally won't hold your feet over the fire for your beliefs. That, to me, is exactly the problem. While not a "practicing" Christian, my faith is strongly defined, my connection to God unquestionable. And when a group of people (in this conversation, hardcore Christians) attempt to shake my faith by imposing their will or political/social influence, I cannot help but feel the same resentment that you feel when your faith is questioned. The difference is that regardless of my socio-political/religious affiliation, I am very willing to let you believe whatever you like regarding evolution, the role of Christ in eternal life, what church you'd like to attend, how you pray, what you eat, what you wear... Very unfortunately for the vast majority of Christians, the political alliance that was formed between the power wielding extreme right and the Republican party has backfired - instead of promoting the right wing radical agenda, it has put it under close scrutiny and found it both lacking and its hyprocracy exposed. For many, I imagine, it has reduced the very private and personal act of worship and prayer to a very public political stance (ie, you are either for or against abortion, you are either for or against prayer in school). My point is that this doesn't serve anyone - as expressed by Dorkus (who's point of view, while not shared, I truly respect) who felt the need to state that he was about to be ridiculed.
In a perfect world, we chose to determine what works for us - not was is determined by a religious/political agenda. We explore and learn from each other, our lives enriched by our interactions with those who think differently than us. Our children are taught to embrace and accept the fundamental differences between people, and to celebrate those differences.
If you believe that Christ is the way, that's truly great. If you cannot recognize that you are being manipulated by a political party, bent on gaining power by attempting to instill fear into the thinking Christian community, then thats a shame. But I still respect your right to feel and worship as you wish.