Well, I don't believe in a being that created the universe. To me it makes more sense that it just happened; you can't even say that there was a time when the potential existed, because time began with the Big Bang and there was no time before that!
Why everything is the way it is despite the staggering odds against that is always going to be a mystery. God snapping his fingers is one explanation, but to me that seems too simplistic.
Jeremy, what I meant is that I don't believe the rituals of religion - not praying, meditating, and doing good deeds, but wearing silly round hats, putting your lights on a timer on Friday night, eating wafers, etc. - no god who's concerned with the universe is going to care whether I do any of that. He's more likely to be concerned with what I contribute to the world and with the connections I make with the people around me, I think.