That was the point of my original post was you can still be very spiritual, and not practice a religion that is at odds with science. The problem here is that Christianity has sunk it’s roots deeply into the depths of the human psyche. It took me a number of years to free myself from the psychological impact it had on me, as a kid growing up in this Christian culture, trying to make sense of it.

The reason the story of Adam and Eve , original sin etc. comes into the discussion is it’s part of the Christian world view, and the their explanation of life’s origin. You may call it an over simplification but it’s the basic story right? Earth created in 6 days, Adam and Eve etc.

There are extreme view points on both sides, I find mine to be the middle ground. Nick views are very similar to mine except he hasn’t found or experienced a practice that taps into this spiritual realm. It is quite an amazing thing and as real as any other human experence. Without it I would not be where I am now.

I don’t practice to make myself more feel comfortable, but to elevate my condition of life, get over the problems that keep me from being where I want to be, and yes to try and make sense of this life, world.

I would think there are other civilizations on other plants out there throughout an endless universe, that evolution is an expression of the energy, power of the universe itself. I think we as a species are now able to come to terms with real concepts of how and why this is happening other than making up fairytale like stories with personifications of “gods”, that fly in the face of reality.