To be perfectly honest, in the end, science won out. The somewhat unbelieveable argument of the christian view died out in the face a stark REALITY. Not to say there is no spirtual entity in our lives and in the universe, but it can't be at odds with visual, measurable realities that can be proven as fact. Fact is fact, right???
Actually no. I agree with Nick that Ignorance is bliss. I just have a differenc view of what is ignorance in this thread.
Let me start out by saying you, Jeremy, are not accurately stating the depth of the belief when you limit it to Christian. It is not solely a Christian belief. In fact, considering the Judeo-Christian-Muslamic-Hinduvian-Buddist population (not to mention some Native American - North and South beliefs), you are quite the minority.
Personally, I would be happy if both sides of the great debate would admit shortcomings in their respective theories and begin to work together to find the facts. If not, then everyone will remain blissful.