As I posted earlier, I completely agree with that (what Fiery says).

The idea of a morally relativistic society is abhorrent to most of us.
What does that really mean, dorkus? We all agree on lots of basic things - it's not cool to kill people, etc. etc. etc. - but ultimately we all make up our own values as we go along. Yes, morals are fluid, they're ultimately individual, and they have to do with the likelihood of getting caught. Look at how many different viewpoints there are among just the Christians on this board!

If you only look at what the words mean, the term "moral relativist" is a description of what we all are - Christian or not, whether or not you or even TLiX admit it. However, the term is loaded in a repulsive, offensive way to mean "anyone who's not Christian is probably immoral. Jesus says 'one way' and that's the only way." That just plain sucks, in fact it's morally reprehensible and has been at the root of countless evil throughout history.

That's why we have a legal system, warts and all: there is no "universal standard" of behavior.

Have you ever heard, say, a Jewish person talk about moral relativists?