Originally Posted By: Justin
Pro Tool isn't the reason the industry is putting out no-talent artists. At some point the business model fell apart. Record company's realized there was no money in putting marketing support behind an artist like Joni Mitchell when they could do it cheaper and make more money with a looker like Brittany Spears.

And what makes it POSSIBLE to have a "looker" (as opposed to "singer") like Spears sell more records?

Um, that would be Pro Tools, Autotoune, Melodyne, etc., etc.

Without these little helpers, Britney Spears is nothing but a visual - with no sound that anyone wants to hear.

 Originally Posted By: Justin
The fact that people can make great recordings in their basement now using Pro Tools means there's tons MORE great talent and music out there.

Or, perhaps it means there will just be more mediocre, talentless hacks that have an outlet for their crap.

I'm betting on the latter. Indeed, it's not even a bet. The state of the industry is already proven this to be what is happening.

 Originally Posted By: Justin
But don't lose hope. Someone out there will eventually figure out a way to turn it into a cash cow. Certainly no one could have predicted the enormous impact The Beatles would have had on the world before it happened.

Don't bet on it. These are VERY different times.

Just for starters: The Beatles didn't have to compete with 1,000 times more competitive acts, cell phones, video games, DVDs, On Demand, multiplex theaters, etc., etc., etc. for the teenagers' attention, in their day.

The days of the universal, music mega-star are long behind us.

And they are not coming back.
Obama sucked. I wish I were up there instead of Obama.
~ Nick Batzdorf