This whole discussion is a mute point unless you are an "A"list producer engineer or you don't need to get paid for a living.

Joe, the percentage of performers that are of that quality are very low. The chances to have someone to come in like that are rare - and yes I have had that quality as well - They come in and nail it. So now for the other 360 days of the year and having paying clients come though the door over and over that do not have an unlimited budget so they can't comp vocals all week on one song. Can they sing? Yes.. Are they Jewel? No... Do they have heart? Yes.
My hat is off to Justin for putting his song up. Does he sing like Jewel? I hope not. But he has a pretty good song. The Melody stayed with me.

You can all all bark all you want about the quality of the artist and the tools that are used to fix them. Its all BS.

But come on, get real. What pays the bills? It is pie in the sky to have attitude when are in this business. It is our job to make them sound great.
If someone wants to pay be $60 an hour to FIX their vocal, time their drums, fix the bass - That is fine with me.