
Your second mix is really impressive. It shows what can be done with some talent and artistic sensibility.

Strictly from a mix perspective, overall I thought it was very good except that in certain parts the vocal wasn't forward enough. In those particular sections it sounded like there were too many elements (organ, guitar, etc.) competing for the same frequency/volume space. Of course, others may disagree, but I just feel thats one area where it could be improved a little.

From an arrangement perspective, this was the most interesting thing of all. It sounded like Justin called you up and said, "Brent, Dick Clark just called and they want me to perform at the American Music Awards. Can you put a live show arrangement together for me?" The extra parts made it a bit over the top, but it was fun! What would have made the illusion of a live performance complete would have been to end it on a single note rather than fading it out.

In addition, I am not a master of any particular musical instrument, but it seems to me that the parts you added were beautifully played.

With all that being said, I suspect that your motivation behind this mix was to show what CAN be done without any self-imposed restrictions, and in that regard I believe you have really succeeded.

Edited by EWF (09/02/07 10:43 AM)