Originally Posted By: Joe Lepore
 Originally Posted By: Jeff E

You know what would be cool... Is to get different vocals and learn what you and others would do to get them smooth or develope a sound. Im not talking tuning but rather with EQ and reverb and delay and such. I have not used Chorusing on a vocal in forever.

That is EXACTLY what I have been talking about ... I'd like to see more about technique of putting the mix together instead of how to create new tracks and computer enhance it. What are the approaches to making something that you have to work with ... work.

I agree too Joe. But we're dealing with so many closely interrelated issues. The musical merit/construction/production of the song at hand and the mix of it.
What Justin put up for us, wasn't what I'd call a completed song. The idea was surely there, but running time was way too long, didn't have nearly enough counterpoint to support it and needed some molding as far as song form.

If you guys have followed this thru from the beginning, notice how the mixes use effects to cover the lack of all the above. Perfectly natural thing to do too and we've all felt compelled to do that from time to time.
But what a few did, was go back to the beginning at the song level... where {normally} this should have started in the first place. What was missing, was the artist's input and "new" performance after the fact. Missing because it was impossible, of course. And to quite an extent, things suffer in the end because of that. In the case of these adjustments in Justin's tune, they would have completely changed the attitude of the vocal performance. Changed the function of the acoustic guitar... on and on.
Then... you actually have something satisfying and fun to mix. And something to discuss, I'll add.
If nothing else, I think this thread has shown the song is the most important thing. If the song "ain't" happening, no amount of mixing will ever fix it.