Originally Posted By: Audiophile
I won already cause i do what i love.

Perfectly stated! So you should accept this contest in the spirit which it is intended and not be intimidated because I bolded a couple of people's names. You may not care about being "the best" but you should care about trying to do your best work and continually learning. It's true for all of us, regardless of experience level.

Look guys, instead of wasting time and energy getting pissy about bolded names, why not comment on the actual work being presented? What do you like? What don't you like? (not about me, about eachother's mixes!) The debate about cutting and pasting and autotuning is a good one. Bands/vocalists should practice to be the best they can be. But if you can make a mix sound better, I think you should do it, period. If that means autotuning or time aligning, so be it, so long as it makes the mix sound better. Great mixes all have one universal truth - you know it when you hear it.
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