Originally Posted By: Justin
No time aligning? No melodyning? shit if you've got the tools, I say use 'em. Show what you can do. What are you afraid of? Your mission here, should you choose to accept it, is to make the best of the raw material downloaded possible. There are no rules. Shit everytime I put rules on the forum I get attacked for being some sort of Nazi. No, you run a studio, if I were your client, and I handed you these tracks, and said hey I just need you to make a killer mix of these recordings for me, I can't retrack them (insert your own story here, my band quit, my mother's in the hospital etc.) - would you say - well I can't do any time aligning or melodyning? Look whatever you do is all up to you here. There is no prize. The prize is showing what you can do. That said if you choose to do major surgery, fine. If you choose to simply eq, add reverb, delay etc and mix then so be it. The only rule is to upload an MP3 when done and let your commerades on the forum judge you. Then again, if you're too chicken to do it, then you will be known as a chicken. And be careful cuz Nick admits he eats chickens (and fish).


I think what Jeremy is saying here is that mixing doesn't typycally get into melodyne and vocal fixing. That's done in the production stage... not the mixing stage (typically)He wants this to be about mixing.... and That is what I thought this was going to be... even though I'm not taking part in it... I'm just backing Jeremy up a little.
