Hate to break up your Blow Tools circle jerk. Here is just a short list of hack rank amatuers using inferior pro sumer DAW's;

Logic, Herbie Hancock,Lee Ritenour,George Benson, George Duke, Marcus Miller, Micheal Brecker,John Mc Laughlin, Peter Gabriel, Hans Zimmer, Al Di Meola and thousands more.

Nuendo, Alan Parsons, Frank Fillipetti, Phil Ramone, Elliot Scheiner, Chuck Ainley and thousands more.

DP, Pat Metheny, Danny Elfman, Aerosmith, Chick Corea,Jeff Lorber. I could go on all night. Frankly I think Its embarassing that our forum administrator would make such a rediculous statement and then stand by it . You Laid this turd Justin. Now I am going to rub your nose in it. Be man enough to to admit your just plain wrong. But no, you will probably just blow up my post. Like I said . BRAINWASHED.

" The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side." --Hunter S. Thompson