#40133 - 06/03/0411:13 AMRe: Do I really need Pro Tools???
Paul Colley
Registered: 05/31/99
Posts: 244
Jusin, I hope you are joking. The real answer depends on a few factors that WWIII does not seem to indicate 100%. I would say that WWIII does not need PT...number one, he can't afford it. Number two, he can't afford it. And, number three, LE is a joke...so, the final answer: he does not need PT. DP, Logic, Nuendo, the latest Cubase all blow PT LE completely away. So why would anyone buy PT LE unless they were just being ead astray simply by the name "Protools". Don't get me wrong, if it were in his budget to get PT HD and it would not take away from his budget to also have good mic pres and mics etc, then sure, why not add it to the studio, next to DP or Logic or Nuendo or an old Paris system!? But he doesn't have that kind of a budget... So it seems like rediculous and bad advice to give to him. I consider it a wrong against him to give such advice, knowing that there are far superior tools for the job within his budget. Digi 002 is a joke compared to the other options in that price range. With DP3.1 or 4 you an export the DP file as an OMF interchange document then the PT studio can open it with Digitranslator perfectly as a PT session; --very simple and quick...first hand knowledge and experience with this many, many times...works wonderfully. Dude, give it a rest. --good grief! :rolleyes: