Man, I've been trying to stay out of this rant for a while, but someone said something that I should've stated days ago...

Digi's support? If you can call it that, it only exists for the highend users. I owned an AMIII also. I am not a Digi outsider - I sold the gear for years, went to Digi training seminars and events (that they were good enough to pay for), and kept asking all the while: where are my stable drivers for this card? You see, I hate the PT software - it sucks. Nuff said, its all a matter of preference and I won't argue that with anyone. But I use Logic, and at the time was on Windows. Three, four years went by, and still nada. They would tell me, "any day now", and the days kept passing by....

Well, I shelved the card when I picked up a 2408. It sat in this machine or that, but never got any use. Eventually, I picked up a Quicksilver and then an iBook. Dropped my vs880 which I used for composition and bought an MBox. I dreaded buying it, but it was the only thing out at the time that did what it did except for the MiniME and being the poor sod that I am, didn't have the bucks for that.

Many months later, I was kicking myself for buying the piece of **** because there was no stable driver for third party software. Not even on OS9. In the end, I had to spend more money to purchase a liscence for a third party driver ( Propogamma) which still wasn't bulletproof, but at least worked most of the time. When I switched to OSX, I had to endure further waits of multiple months for a driver that worked on it. In fact, this delayed my entry into X for more than six months.

Yeah, I know what your saying - had a bought a core system, that wouldn't have been a problem. But I say to you, customer support is customer support. I will never buy another Digi product as long as I live (I hope - if I do, I have no one but myself to blame).

My list of gripes with Digi goes on further, but I won't bore you with it. A lot of them have been enumerated by others. I couldn't let that go, though, as I finally dropped my MBox on ebay last week and am happily using a Firewire 410 now, with no problems and an extra USB port to spare. And about 20$ in my pocket from the difference in cost. Thanks Digi, for years of broken productivity and aggravation.

2x1G G4 Quicksilver, iBook G4 1.2G, WRDA7, PCI324, MOTU Traveller, Digimax, Logic 6.4.3, Live 5, Reason 3, ReMOTE25