
I did last week or so in the topic "MY set up".

My lap top can handle like 30 tracks with at least that many plugs - of course it gets a little slugish, but it works.

These are just tools, were to hung up on how much it cost and not what it can do. Protools had the market and 'luckly' came out with HD in time to snare a few more, but thats over.

I'm taking my cues from my mastering guys and they are all going to Secquoia and pc based systems. Who cares what some of the big studios are doing, or did. How many are still in OS9? A lot from my observations.

I don't care what the platform is if it makes music. And thats really the inportant thing here, but to say that there is only one way kinda puts one behind the evolving future. I want to be where it is going, not where it was.

Justin, your setup is great, I can make music with it. Your last CD sounded great on older gear ( and a DA7 ;-)). It is what you did with the gear way more than what the gear was and that is really all my point is - and that PT is way over priced. I'm also glad you love what you have now to record on, thats a good thing.