J...How can you get a Virus if you're not connected to the Net? Besides, Flu season is about over. BTW, I have a Bud in Toronto who is a Logic Wizard. He is constantly sending audio files created with Logic to colleagues that time stamp perfectly and the music I hear with his Logic sounds pretty good to me. He does use some pretty high end convertors(DB Gold). The old addage is the path to the Digital Recorder is only as good as the elements in the path: The mic,pre,limiter-A to D convertors. If you're hip enough to use as much high end tubessence as possible on the A side, your s..t should sound fantastic. I, for one am still using Cubase only as a sequencer. I record to the MX with a groovy chain topped off with a Pacific Microsonics ADDA.
After I finish my current project I am going to think strongly about the Plug In World which I have never entered but as of late have heard some great stuff. FWIW.
I'm a retired investor living on a pension....Hyman Roth.