I started with the 2 track version of PT, then 4 tk, then 8 tk with 888's and AD8000s, I'm happy with DP, I don't need anything else.

Avid drew first blood and the industry stayed with it, for a while, it is not that way now and its market share will continue to decrease as 'better' platforms appear. Why waste the money on an overpriced piece of gear that has seen better days? HD fixed some of the symptoms (bad summing) and has better resoulition, so what, it is still a rip off. Go there if you want to be where the industry was.

When a potential client asks me if I have PT, I say "hell no! I use better sounding stuff", they ask, "isn't Protools the industry standard?", I say "it used to be" and I have a new client...

Raj, you must have a day gig, cause $35. an hour is not enough to support a studioo out here. Whats up with that?

Kelly, the last SSL rooms I saw being built were more like 40 million than 2. It is expensive to have all the bells and whistels these days. PT is one you don't need now and will need less in the future. Put that 20 grand into a Telefunken 270 W/ the AC701 tubes and call it good.

Justin, I know what PT can do and I don't miss it at all. All of the platforms are prosumer and none can come close to the depth or meat of analog, just as the transition from tube to FET gave us more tracks but left us with lower fidelity, digital gave us better S/N and less realizem. The only reasons I have digital gear is for the size facter and I don't wear out the tapes any more, everything else is crap.