#40036 - 05/26/0410:25 PMRe: Do I really need Pro Tools???
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Registered: 04/15/99
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Loc: Portland, OR
Yes you need Protools
Logic, Nuendo, Cubase, Sonar, Protools 001 002 LE = Pro-sumer - fine if you just want to fool around
Protools TDM (Mix+, HD or HD Accel - when you want to get serious.
nuff said
Paul you find the fact that Protools uses proprietary hardware to use their software controlling? You know why they do that? Because a computer's CPU (Mac and PC) can only handle so much processing. When the audio processing is offloaded onto a card it adds extra muscle. Makes sense doesn't it. As processors get more and more powerful and we get things like a Dual Processor G5 - then it's possible non-hardware additive DAWS will come to light. Not at present though.
If I was gonna dip into Pro-sumer DAWs my first choice would be Digital Performer on a Mac G5. Still I'd only do it if I was really strapped for cash.
Vinco - not brainwashed. Check out Protools in action sometime, until you know what it can do, you don't know what you're missing.
Justin Site Admin audiotalkback.com