Originally posted by Justin:
Vinco - I'm sure they use all the DAWs they can and get lots of endorsement money for saying they do. I don't pay much attention to what the music mags say, just what I know from watching producers/engineers work with Protools
Bottom Line: use whatever you want, then try Protools and learn why it is the industry standard.
As for sound quality between DAWs, as far as I'm concerned the DAW itself has little (or nothing) to do with sound quality (assuming there's no processing on) - Mics, Mic Pres, Digital convertors are where the sound is made. I've heard the stuff about the Protools summing buss and ya know what - it's BS. The Protools summing buss sounds awesome. Why would you assume that anyone here who doesn't adore Pro Tools as you do, hasn't actually used the program on a daily basis? I have, and will continue to do so - I don't need to "learn" it. Also, your presumption that all of the people that endorse non-Pro Tools DAW's are paid to sway their opinion is simply not correct. I know and have hired many of the Nuendo endorcers, and this is just not so, Justin.
I would be interested to know if you have ever done a shootout between the various DAW platforms - it has been my experience that there is an appreciable difference (not necessarily better or worse, just different) between the sound of different DAW's using the same sound files and the same hardware.
And, although you might think its BS (and I can't really understand why you are so tweaked about this one particular topic), there is an audible problem with the summing buss on Pro Tools. It is the reason why many professionals (including myself) do not mix inside the box. It is one of the reasons for the design concept behind the new baby SSL.
All that being said, if Pro Tools works for you, great! No one is saying it (or you) suck

The presumption that only Pro Tools, however, is the true professional choice is not only misguided, it is just not correct.
Unless, of course, you are kidding about this whole thread