If you compare Pro Tools side by side against many other editing packages, you will indeed find that the software falls short in many ways. Here are two:
- Handling of stereo regions: Pro Tools did not support stereo regions until post v5.0.1. Many other programs, including Cool Edit, Vegas, Nuendo, etc. did.
- View resolution: Very inconvenient and difficult to do precise down to the sample editing with Pro Tools. Programs like Cool Edit, Vegas, Nuendo, Saw Pro, all have better horizontal and vertical view resolution, more clearly marked, and editing is more precise.
Yeah, I just read this more closely. I agree that Pro Tools not supporting interleaved files is a nuisance (it deinterleaves them, then uses a stereo track, and it can bounce to stereo files). Other programs that were written more recently can open stereo files directly.

However, the view resolution criticism is hard to understand. You can use "memory locations" to jump instantly to whatever resolutions you want (single samples or hours - it doesn't matter), there are five stored horizontal zoom resolutions accessible right on the top of the Edit window, you can click on arrows on to of the window to zoom in either direction, or you can use key commands to zoom in and out horizontally or vertically. There's also a command to fill the screen with the selection.

And you can edit down to the single sample, so I really don't see that the precision would be greater on any DAW.