
I am a Logic user (who has been quite happy) and I am wondering if you started on Pro Tools first, then added Logic or vice versa. Did you ever consider doing 100% of your work in Logic?
A brief history or ME (my favorite subject):

I started on a Yamaha QX-21 hardware sequencer, then a QX-5, then an Atari ST running Passport Mastertracks Pro, then very soon afterwards MTP running on a Mac Plus. My tape recorder was a Teac 3340S, of course, and I synced the sequencer to that. Actually, at first I used human sync - pushing Start and hoping it would lock, which it did. Slowly, I moved from MTP into Logic, Performer, and Vision, and around 1989 I upgraded to a Tascam TSR-8.

It wasn't until about 1993 that I ended up buying the PT III NuBus system that Digidesign sent in to Recording magazine for review. It simply wasn't going back; that was my first digital audio system.

Logic's mixing features only became real a couple of years ago, and I've been using Pro Tools for a long time.

So the answer to your question is that I could mix in Logic, but I like mixing in Pro Tools since that's what I'm used to doing. I was using Logic before Pro Tools, but only for MIDI; I was using Pro Tools before Logic, but only for audio.

When there isn't time to bring everything into Pro Tools - which doesn't happen very often - I mix in Logic. And I use Pro Tools for heavy editing, for example I'm cutting up some samples right now, and I wouldn't want to do that in Logic.