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#60324 - 04/18/06 10:00 PM Re: Chicago based audio company new products...
strdsk Offline

Registered: 10/07/03
Posts: 174
Loc: Oak Lawn, Illinois
Audiorigami, Mogandus, and Igotta S.O.N....thanks very much for your patience and putting forth some effort in helping me! This is exactly what I was talking about as far as tactful help goes...not just "blah blah blah this is a definite scam" type of crap! I would like someone to point out all of these supposed spelling errors that I make though! Rich...I'm doing a fabulous job dealing with the "real world" here which is unfortunately comprised of jack-ass yuppies like yourself! What the hell do you do that makes you so superior to me? All companies post their "opinions" of their's called advertising and every single one of them claims to make the best thing in the world since Wonder bread. And for the record I'm on the planet should come back down to it sometime and join us ya' damn fool!

#60325 - 04/18/06 10:07 PM Re: Chicago based audio company new products...
jeremy hesford Offline
Founding Member

Registered: 05/06/99
Posts: 6219
Loc: odenton md.
Stdrsk, your a joke, my friend, get a life..

#60326 - 04/18/06 10:13 PM Re: Chicago based audio company new products...
Andrew K Offline
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Registered: 04/19/99
Posts: 2218
Loc: LA, CA, USA
Originally posted by strdsk:
I would like someone to point out all of these supposed spelling errors that I make though!
You mean like these:

Originally posted by strdsk:
Wow Andrew K, you actually tizzle thiznat M-to-tha-izzuch time out of yo busy day ta "remix" mah post? I'm honored! See'n thizzat mah posts hizzle no typos in T-H-to-tha-izzem whatsoeva, tha lack of substance in yo life in amaz'n! Uh oh...and hizzle comes Glenn again wit tha "we're steppin' you out" card! hizzle a drug problem to increase tha peace. McDonalds is sippin' LSD into they Big Macs! I don't git it...why is mah life suddenly going uphill? Rich...I'm a vizzle hiznurt person wit tha "love me daddy" complex like old skool ****. Thank-you all fo` "help'n" me with my forty-fo' mag! This forum has really bizzle a place of sippin' fo` me . Nigga get shut up or get wet up! Now I can go on wit mah life long dream of being an unda wata basket weava . Snoop dogg is in this bitch! Thank-you...thank-you all! Mwah!!!

#60327 - 04/18/06 10:26 PM Re: Chicago based audio company new products...
zumbido Offline
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Registered: 08/11/02
Posts: 7162
Loc: El Lay
This topic needs to be flushed away - quick.

Obama is guilty of fraud and inducement.

#60328 - 04/18/06 10:56 PM Re: Chicago based audio company new products...
JohnH Offline
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Registered: 07/14/99
Posts: 551
Loc: west coast
This topic is like driving by an auto accident.

#60329 - 04/19/06 05:11 AM Re: Chicago based audio company new products...
strdsk Offline

Registered: 10/07/03
Posts: 174
Loc: Oak Lawn, Illinois
Jeremy...your wife and kids are a joke! My "jack-ass yuppie" comment to Rich must have really struck a chord with you in particular huh? Sometimes the truth hurts my friend! So run along and proceed to scam your "puresound" clients into believing that you actually have a clue Mr. audio restoration/teacher/percussionist/sound engineer extroardinaire! Things can get terribly personal quick around here can't they folks? Go screw yourself!

#60330 - 04/19/06 06:08 AM Re: Chicago based audio company new products...
Nick Batzdorf Offline
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Registered: 04/15/99
Posts: 12161
Loc: Los Angeles, CA, USA
Hey Joe, why don't you just put up some product information on a website?

#60331 - 04/19/06 08:33 AM Re: Chicago based audio company new products...
Nick Batzdorf Offline
Founding Member

Registered: 04/15/99
Posts: 12161
Loc: Los Angeles, CA, USA
Hey Joe, why don't you just put up some product information on a website?

#60332 - 04/19/06 08:43 AM Re: Chicago based audio company new products...
jeremy hesford Offline
Founding Member

Registered: 05/06/99
Posts: 6219
Loc: odenton md.
Wow, i'm convinced now man, WHERE CAN I GET THIS MIC HE HAS!!!

#60333 - 04/19/06 09:10 AM Re: Chicago based audio company new products...
plughead Offline
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Registered: 11/28/02
Posts: 502
Loc: Dundas Ont.
More like,

"hey Joe - where going with that gun in your hand?"

Wow - I don't think I've ever seen as vitriolic a poster (next to Vinco!)

I guess slamming your potential customers is a wise move to you, but - it's your life...

The great thing about forums is you can choose to participate, or not - I guess I'm participating ATM, but only because this is over the top.

I would seriously think that if there were even one post commending you on your business practices, or endorsing your mics, the lot of DA7 posters might give you a fair shake, but it seems without ANY support, you seem to be hanging yourself. Maybe that's why the continued slanderous comments when your back is against the wall.

Don't take it personally, but I daresay I would NEVER purchase anything from someone as hateful a person as yourself, unless you remained at the bench making the products and had a different mouthpiece hawking your wares... :rolleyes:

Over and out,
PlugHead Productions

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