Zimbido, I have mixed a song 'basicly' the same way on both DP & PT, I'll take DP because it is clearer on the two systems. Of course the song didn't have the same options so were not in reality mixed the same but the intention was to compare not to be quite as anal as your suggesting

so that has to baken into consideration. It was a few years ago and I'm sure the buss issues are better than they were then. I had an external clock with great converters and minamal plugs recorded on analog transfered to mx MX2424 then to both platforms.
Having said that, I love diner and amp farm but I know amp farm is not an Avid plug but diner might be. I wouldn't pay all that money just to have those plugs though when they want 20K for every upgrade, lets see, that would be 4 upgrades since I started 'digi' in 89', no thanks.
20K is a deal for a recording setup, if your needs are 8 in with as many tracks out you'll need but when you need 14 or 20 for basics it gets a bit more expensive and you can get an analog recorder that will do that new for about the same price, if it is not the Studer, I may be wrong on that, it is mostly a knee jerk reaction and not considering a bord for mix down.
For 12K, I had a DA7 and MX2424, thats a deal. In analog for 32 channels playback and 24 tracks recording would be closer to 50K for the entry level stuff, for Neve/Studer add atleast another 150K. So who's get'n over here? WE ARE......
Who cares, PT or DP or Nuendo or Logic or Sonic or Sequoia or Saw or SoundForge or any of the ones I left out, its a great deal to have the ability to hone our craft with these tools and I think it is great to see that people are so adament about the rig they use - COOL, YOU SHOULD BE!