You obviously can care less about any of the other instruments. Especially the drums where they most likely are the deciding factor in any song.
Wow... kinda too bad, the premise of this is getting lost by a couple complaining about it. All when most did it for a little fun and to learn. Fact is, there's nothing in the tracks provided that a pro shouldn't be able to handle.
But if this gets out of hand, feel free to yank my stuff Justin. Didn't post it for competition sake. Hoped it might draw some other songsmith/producer people out to display their wares... and hopefully learn some things myself.
Oh... BTW Audiophile, if ya think my mix was bad, just wait until you hear the completely replayed/revamped version 'ol Brent's been working on in his spare time. Replayed drums are huge because they actually work in the tune like that now. So... if ya honestly think "big" drums is the deciding factor as to wether a song is good or not, I'm sure you'll love it