I was just minding my own business when my girlfriend called me and asked if I could come over to a garage sale she was at to see if we should buy this sofa and chair. I go over, and just inside the front door I see this 1956-57 Telefunken Opus 7 tube radio in immaculate condition screaming buy me, buy me! I couldn't resist. It's a beautiful wooden box about 2'x1.5'x1' with AM FM & SW with 8 tubes & 6 speakers in the box, everything works, and it sounds incredible. Treble & bass controls, 5 push button switches for playback modes (jazz, orchestra, solo, etc.) it even has inputs for phono & tape and a way to rotate the antenna. What an incredible thing - I feel like a little kid! For the first time in I can't even remember how long, I listened to the radio for hours yesterday... felt like sharing a really great sounding time warp with you all!