#51064 - 11/02/05 09:46 PM
Re: OT: Evolution
Registered: 04/14/03
Posts: 288
Loc: San Diego, CA
Originally posted by TLiX: Here is just a few of the many, many reasons why science leans toward a young (5-6 thousand) year old earth. Mind you scientific evidence, absolutes!Read > Comprehend > Post. If you had read my post above, you'd comprehend that I state unequivocally that scientific data and predictions are NOT absolutes. They are merely "educated guesses," that is, the propositions most likely to be repeatably accurate, given data gathered under the most stringent possible conditions. That's the best we can hope for, and the best humankind can do without resorting to a God that exists merely to fill holes in our understanding. Mind you, I say all this as a person who really, truly, believes that there exists the possibility of some power greater than humanity having begun the unfolding causality of our universe. Here are solid facts, with references. EVIDENCE FROM THE STARS
1 - Star clusters. One type of galaxy in outer space is the star cluster. There are many of them; and, within each one, are billions of stars. Some of these clusters are moving so rapidly, that it would be impossible for them to remain together if the universe were very old.—p. 11.Please read this. A star cluster is a group of many, many stars within a galaxy. Our galaxy, the milky way, contains many star clusters. Clusters are themselves not galaxies. Globular star clusters made up of hundreds of thousands, or even millions of stars, surround our galactic center. This is the first time you make an error which may be passed on by a person vaguely acquainted with science, but which stands out as a glaring misunderstanding to anyone with knowledge of astronomy. And since, as I mentioned, science is all about the refinement of existing theories, here is an article about how the distance to globular clusters is being reevaluated given new technology. 2 - Large stars. Some stars are so large, and radiate energy so rapidly, that they could not have contained enough hydrogen to radiate at such fast rates for long ages, because their initial mass would have had to be too immense.—p. 11.
3 - High-energy stars. Four types of stars radiate energy too rapidly to have existed longer than 50,000 to 300,000 years.—pp. 11-12.
This proves nothing, I'm afraid, as it has been shown that immensely large stars can use up their fuel in as little as 10 million years. Again, you make a mistake in assuming that the large stars are the oldest things in the universe, which makes it obvious that you know little about stellar formation. By the way, can you tell me the four types of stars you mention? Hold on. I was planning on going through this entire post of yours, and finding independent data to back up my claims, when I came upon this site. It appears that your list, as I and others had no doubt suspected, is lifted straight from the Creation-Evolution Encyclopedia, an anti-science creationist webpage completely filled with inaccuracies, misquotes, and references to science which is outdated and considered inaccurate itself by many modern scientists! Have you ever heard the phrase, "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing?" It points to the fact that if you understand only a little of something, you can be easily misled as to its details. Sam, you honestly know very little about the scientific method, and very little indeed about rigorous experimentation. This makes you dangerous, because you will believe anyone who comes along with realistic-sounding facts and you will repeat them to others as if you had done your own homework. Well, let me tell you. I was prepared to do my homework and point out your many factual inaccuracies, but I no longer wish to waste my time. I simply want to tell you that God can exist in our universe, a universe which is more than ten billion years old, and for you to think that His existence is in any way threatened by the hard work of the many scientists throughout history is pitifully depressing. Would God be so flimsy that He could not stand up to scrutiny? You need to open your mind to the facts. God can exist, and science can be right. Darwin's evolution is over a hundred years old, yet those who know nothing about science use him as a strawman. His is not the last word in evolution, only the first. Did you know that Darwin's theory of evolution is wrong? It's wrong because there is no place in it for a species' conscious manipulation of its environment. That's why the theory of evolution is, like all other branches of science, currently undergoing an evolutionary process itself. Darwin had a brilliant idea, and now we're refining it. We live, we learn. Please open your heart to the possibility that God is stronger than you think. Learn some science. Go to a scientist, and ask them to explain carbon dating to you. Ask them to explain it over and over, until you understand. Until then, you're just repeating half-truths which you hear others say, without yourself evaluating their veracity independently. I apologize for my tone, but I don't want anyone reading your posts to be convinced by fallacious arguments. I want them, as I want you, to seek out those things which they do not understand, in the hopes that their minds and hearts will grow with knowledge and understanding. Call it tough love. I can dig what you're saying jeremy, but there are so many people who insist on "my way or the highway." :rolleyes:
#51065 - 11/03/05 05:55 AM
Re: OT: Evolution
Founding Member
Registered: 03/12/02
Posts: 2768
Loc: Whittier, CA, USA
I can dig what you're saying jeremy, but there are so many people who insist on "my way or the highway." :rolleyes: [/QB] I'm not a "my way or the highway" type person. I really am open to what is true and real. For a while I looked at the possibility that God created the universe some 5-6 thousand years ago and made it to begin with 'aged' or to look millions of years old from the start. But after study I truly believe that many of these are correct. I met a guy that worked all the way at the top for NASA in there science department. The guy literaly tested at genious level and figured out some things for NASA that non of the top scientist could figure out. He is also noted as discovering that the speed of light has been slowing down since the beggining of time and is on a slop so that in x amount of years the speed of light will be significantly slower. He said NASA dosn't put a lot of this stuff out there and in high school textbooks cause it would just freak people out to know that the universe can't last forever. He also said that the dust on the moon theory, false methods in carbon copy dating, and the graph that expains the speed of light all show a younger earth. If the earth were millions of years old the speed of light would have stopped all ready, unless somebody reset it  Either way all of us are listening to science that we didn't do and test so... Either christians are trying to prove something and are looking for it or secular scientists are trying to prove something else and are expecing and looking for specifics as well. I just think as one looks at how much our earth is changing and what its going through I don't think its realistic to say that it has been in process for millions of years. It logicaly dosn't make sense. If real scientists and even non-religious ones are starting to believe in a 'young' earth, wouldn't it make sense that it is a good possibility. All this information is in waaayyy more than just the creation-evolution ency. its all over the place textbooks and all
#51066 - 11/03/05 06:02 AM
Re: OT: Evolution
Founding Member
Registered: 03/12/02
Posts: 2768
Loc: Whittier, CA, USA
another good carbon dating article carbon dating there are ton more like this in scientific journals as well
#51067 - 11/03/05 06:17 AM
Re: OT: Evolution
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Registered: 04/15/99
Posts: 12161
Loc: Los Angeles, CA, USA
gives reviews in EQ mag in chit, but if you meet him in person, he smells like a zoo. He's a f-ing Gurrala!! Yes, that's his actual pic!
Needless to say he has alot of evolving to do, especially when it comes to reviews of Digital to Analog converters. All true except for the part about EQ mag. I've never written for them, in fact they were "the enemy" when I was editor of Recording magazine!
#51069 - 11/03/05 07:20 AM
Re: OT: Evolution
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Registered: 03/12/02
Posts: 2768
Loc: Whittier, CA, USA
Originally posted by Nick Batzdorf: TLiX, you really need to read up on Einstein and his famous equation E=MC2 (energy = mass x the speed of light squared). Maybe you missed the equation by the famous physicist Paul Davies and a team of scientists (and not a Christian ones either) c = ?[a + ekt(b + dt)] In this equation c is the curve that the rate of decay that the speed of light is on. The report was given in the journal 'Nature' and the evidence points to that since the speed of light has been slowing down since the creation of the earth that if you follow this formula backwards the age of the universe would be a little less that 6,000 years old. It also explains issues that have come up in the dating methods of the earth and led to the famous book Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth Larry Vardiman, Andrew A. Snelling, Eugene F. Chaffin that is highly regarded in the scientific world. These guys are building on what Einstein discovered, and also Einstein wrote some interesting things on the existance of God as well. yeap
#51070 - 11/03/05 07:31 AM
Re: OT: Evolution
Veteran Member
Registered: 10/25/99
Posts: 1920
Loc: Maui, Hawaii
Originally posted by zumbido: What does this have to do with the DA7? About as much as your incessant Har-Bal evangelism.
Audiophile: "A gate IS a compressor, A Fader is a MANUAL compressor." Pure comedy.
#51073 - 11/03/05 10:19 AM
Re: OT: Evolution
Founding Member
Registered: 03/12/02
Posts: 2768
Loc: Whittier, CA, USA
And the great thing is that it dosn't even matter what others think or say about what I know is true. I would love others to see the light as I see it and the relationship with this Creator of the universe is really the best part about it, (and I do have a passion for this, and helping others), but it dosn't discourage me when others see it as narrow mindedness. It actually is quite the opposite, it takes a real grand perspective of life, spirituality and people to believe it. Also the wonderful thing about it all is that science, philosophy, and the human spirit do not need to prove Christianity, Christianity proves these things in itself. If one reads the Bible with an open mind and seeks to understand these things it becomes revieled. You know what is interesting is that people that know me and have a relationship with me, just about all of the ones that didn't believe in Christianity now prayed to recieve Jesus in there hearts as there personal savior. Even my wifes brother who graduated from Brown and is a very smart cat, people I work with, my friends parents, I can't even tell you people that practiced other religions, or atheists and I'm talking about Dozens of people. Now why are people following me on this? It's not cause I'm so great and they all want to be like me, but that I am pointing them toward somthing that is real and can't be ignored as somthing we all need. Now I'm realistic to think that many on this board will say well thats great for TLix and his friends but he is still wrong... and that is a legitimate feeling but everyone still has to seriously look at Jesus and Christianity and make a decision for themselves. I guess all I challenge people to do is to open-mindedly look at it, and I am pretty confident in that 100% of the people that have become Christians along with me have not regretted it and have thanked me for opening them up to it. Its not a crutch for life its the missing peice in our lives. I don't know how else to say it, but its real. It just makes science and physicology and all these other things make sense... anyone else besides jeremy and nick and zum have thoughts? sam